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Selectmen Minutes 12/19/2006
Chichester Board of Selectmen
December 19, 2006

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Chairman MacCleery, Selectman Colbert, Selectman DeBold and Administrative Assistant Lisa Stevens.  

Chairman MacCleery opened the meeting at 7:00pm.

Subject: Federal Surplus Purchase
PRESENT:  Paul Sanborn; Forest Fire Warden

Subject: 2007 Proposed Warrant Articles
PRESENT: Budget Committee members- John Martell, Lucille Noel, Pam Stiles, Jason Weir and Bruce Dyke

Discussed at length were the following proposed articles for the 2007 warrant;
        Construction/Reconstruction of Center Road – Phase I - $226,255
        Roof Repair & Exterior Trim Painting/Grange Building- $ 28,700
        Paving Parking Area Community Building                       $   2,290
        Police Cruiser                                                                     $ 26,990
        Part-time Admin. Asst. Fire Department                 $  18,000
        Capital Reserve Funding                                $123,500

Questions were raised surrounding the Center Road project breakdown and the role/job description for the part time assistant for the Fire Department.  The Selectmen and Budget Committee have some questions for the Highway and Fire Departments.  These will be addressed at the next meeting scheduled for January 9, 2007.  Ms. Noel will follow-up with the Historical Society to inquire if further estimates have been received for the paving quote.     

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BOS minutes
December 19, 2006


The Board will not be meeting Tuesday December 26, 2006.  

The minutes of December 12, 2006 were approved as corrected.

The Board signed payroll and accounts payable.

Being no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 10:55pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Lisa Stevens
Administrative Assistant

Stephen MacCleery, Chairman

David Colbert

                                                        NOT YET APPROVED ____________________________                                                   
Richard DeBold